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Homemade Firearms Ban Coming Up for a Vote

Fort Fetterman Sportsman's Association | Published on 3/25/2024

Homemade Firearms Ban Coming Up for a Vote


Anti-gun Democrats are traveling at warp speed to violate your constitutionally protected rights by attempting to ban homemade firearms and 80% lowers.

HB 777 is coming up for a vote on Tuesday, March 26th. It's an anti-gun monstrosity that would make it impossible for you to build your own gun without first seeking government permission.

HB 777 would:

  • Prohibit the sale or transfer of DIY gun kits, 80% lowers, and other unserialized gun parts.
  • Prohibit you from making your own gun by buying unserialized parts unless you are licensed to do so.
  • Make you a felon if you did any of the above!

The "justification" for HB 777 is the alleged uptick in crime in Philadelphia. But the problem in Philly isn't unserialized gun parts, it's the failure of DA Larry Krasner to prosecute criminals.

The good news is that there is still hope to defeat HB 777 on the floor of the House. You see, the anti-gun Democrats have a VERY narrow majority and they cannot pass any gun control without some Republican support.

Unfortunately, nine Republicans betrayed you in 2023 and voted for Red Flag Gun Confiscation Orders and Universal Registration Check schemes. We need to lean on these Republican turncoats HARD so that they don't back HB 777.

That's why you must contact your state representative and urge them to vote NO on HB 777. Let them know that you consider this bill to be a violation of your right to make your own firearm and that you refuse to be blamed for the activity of criminals in Philadelphia.

So please Take Action and urge your State Representative to VOTE NO on this unconstitutional bill.

Thank you for taking the time to act and be sure to forward this email to your pro-gun family and friends.

In Liberty,

Dr. Val Finnell
Pennsylvania Director
Gun Owners of America

Twitter: @goapennsylania

P.S. Please share this alert to your family and friends and urge them to Take Actionto stop HB 777 from passing in the PA House. To renew your GOA membership or join for the first time, click here. 

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Douglas, WY 82633


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